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Image by Chris Lynch


​We’ve created a unique series of podcasts with partners in human rights organisations as well as our collaborators in cultural scenes. You can check these out by following the links below:

What’s that noise. Volume 12: Right-Wing Extremism 60 minutes

Host Derek Silva speaks with three experts working on various issues related to the emergence of the alt-right, reemergence of white supremacist hate groups, and political violence more generally. Guests of the show include Dr. Ryan Scrivens, a HORIZON Postdoctoral Fellow at Concordia University and expert in right-wing extremism online and in public, Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo who has published numerous articles and reports on engagement in and disengagement from extremist groups, and Bradley Galloway, former leader of BC's Volksfront skinhead organization who was part of the Canadian white supremacist movement for 13 years who is now studying criminology at the University of Fraser Valley. 


Deciphering Norms of Media Consumption in Extreme Metal – a podcast series

This four-episode podcast series brings thought-provoking, contemporary topics to the table. Be it reappropriating Runes, warning against the perils of media censorship, distinguishing between provocative art and hateful discourse, and giving voice to the experiences of women in the music industry, no topic proves too challenging for Vivek Venkatesh and his co-host, Michelle Ayoub. Produced in partnership with Grimposium and Project Someone by Aaron Lakoff and Kathryn Urbaniak. Featuring Jannicke Wiese-Hansen, Kirsti Rosseland, Ivar Peersen (Enslaved)and Kjetil Grutle (Enslaved). Original music by Leticia Trandafir.

  1. Propositions for Cultural Reappropriation 35 minutes

  2. Balancing Free Speech, Critical Thinking and Media Literacy 29 minutes

  3. Social Media: The Good, the Bad and the Unforgivable  34 minutes

  4. Women in Metal: Underdogs or Equals? 29 minutes


Speaking Rights podcast – Motivate. In partnership with Equitas. 12 minutes


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