Critical Analysis of Islamic State Social Media

In this project, we lay bare the narrative and linguistic structures of Islamic State (IS) propaganda videos on social media. Our researchers conduct a critical analysis of how notions of utopia and dystopia are depicted by IS and compare these to historical Nazi propaganda. We also provide English and French translations of the monologues used in these videos to enable the broader public to better contextualize  the post-apocalyptic rhetoric being used by the IS extremists.

Dire Dieu par la musique dans la propagande guerrière d’hier à aujourd’hui: Le cas de l’Empire assyrien et de Daech

By Éric Bellavance and Vivek Venkatesh

Click here for full article.  

Director of Project Someone as well as the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance at Concordia and UNESCO Co-Chair for the Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism, Vivek Venkatesh, and colleagues, examine aspects of propaganda in ISIS videos. Other Project Someone members co-authoring this article are Jeffrey Podoshen, Jason Wallin and Jihan Rabah.

Click here for full article.  

Jeff Podoshen talks about hate speech, freedom of expression, and IS on social media.

Jihan Raban talks about hate speech, freedom of expression, and building resilience to propaganda.


Vivek Venkatesh PhD

Vivek Venkatesh is UNESCO co-Chair in Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism, and Professor of Inclusive Practices in Visual Arts in the Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University. He is an interdisciplinary and applied learning scientist who investigates the psychological, cultural and cognitive factors impacting the design, development and inclusive adoption of digital media in educational and social contexts.
Jihan Rabah PhD

Jihan Rabah is an analyst and educational development leader. Her recent professional experiences include being Vice President of Research and Analysis at eConcordia/ KnowledgeOne Inc, Co-Principal Investigator of Project SOMEONE, and a member of the UNESCO Chair on the Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism.