6. Provide clear guidelines regarding your role.

You should also provide a clear description of your role in online discussion. Given that students cannot see you they may wonder whether you are reading their posts at all. Many teachers report being uncertain about their own role in these discussions. Although there are many ways that you may decide to be involved, a clear description of your role will help you and your students know what to expect.


  • You can expect that I will be reading ALL posts but will not be responding to each post individually. Instead, I will be sharing information, making comments and asking questions that are directed at the class rather than the individuals.
  • At the “end” of each conversation, I will be posting a summary of the conversation.
  • Using the provided rubric, I will be entering grades for your message board contributions at mid-semester and then again at the end of the semester.1

Show 1 footnote

  1.  Christine Harrington and Maya Aloni, “Promoting Critical Thinking through Online Discussion: Developing Questions and Managing Conversations” (paper presented at Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Middlesex County College New Jersey, June 1,2013).